「上田薫 企画展」 埼玉県立近代美術館


それからしばらく絵画制作からは離れますが、1970年に、対象そのものだけを写実的に描く表現 -本人曰く、制作に行き詰まったときに頭を空っぽにするための「クソリアリズム」- に目覚めます。




Kaoru Ueda (1928-) uses photography to create elaborate depictions of his subjects. Many have probably seen his realistic depiction of a raw egg trickling out of its shell in art textbooks.

After studying oil painting at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueda, who mainly worked on abstract paintings, entered the world of graphic design in 1956 when he won the international grand prize in an international film poster competition. After that, he took a break from painting for a while, but in 1970, he discovered an expression that depicts only the subject itself in a realistic way―“damn realism,” as he calls it, to empty his mind when he has a creative block.

Since then, Ueda created a series of works that appear more real than reality, at times using what he learned from the world of design. Many of the motifs in his works, such as a raw egg at the moment its shell breaks, jam that is about to drop from a spoon, flowing water, and the sky, change their appearance in an instant. His vivid depictions of time and space are highly acclaimed and hold a unique place in realist painting.

This exhibition introduces Kaoru Ueda’s career, which has rarely been presented in a coherent manner, along with about 80 works from post-graduation to the present. We hope visitors will enjoy the flow of time and the vastness of space, and the world of Ueda’s “damn realism” that transforms the ordinary day-to-day into a wonder.




第1章 「リアル」の前史

第2章 スタイルの確立

第3章 「時間」を描く

第4章 「光」を描く

第5章 素描と版画

第6章 そして現在へ


Exhibition Structure

Part 1: Predating the Realism
We look back on Ueda Kaoru’s early years, from his graduation work Self-Portrait (1954), which he produced at the Tokyo University of the Arts, to the abstract paintings presented in his first solo exhibition, to the poster competition winning piece, and to his works from the end of the 1960s, when he was searching for his own expression.

Part 2: Establishment of his Style
Ueda determined to “single-mindedly and realistically portray” what is seen visually. This exhibition introduces his works up to the first half of the 1970s, the starting point of Ueda’s style of realism, in which the subject is enlarged to fill the entire picture.

Part 3: Portraying “Time”
Ueda, who broke new ground in realism paintings, went on to paint a variety of motifs one after another. In the 1970s, his interest shifted to depicting melting ice cream and jam dripping from a spoon and other moving objects or in other words, phenomena. His attempt to capture the fleeting appearance of things in transition gave birth to his signature series of “Raw Eggs”.

Part 4: Portraying “Light”
Having succeeded in incorporating the element of “time” into his work, Ueda chose soap bubbles as his next motif, in which he painstakingly paints his own reflection and the surrounding scene in detail. His interest in the nature of light―its transmission, reflection and distortion―led him to new motifs such as cups and bottles, and the flow of liquids and rivers.

Part 5: Sketches and Prints
Ueda has also done many watercolor, pastel, and print pieces. While examining its relationship with oil painting, Ueda’s attitude to expression will be explored.

Part 6: To the Present
In his work since the 2000s, his all-over compositions depicting the flow of rivers have evolved into new spatial expressions, such as the “Sky” piece in the “Sky” series and eggshells lined up like still-life paintings. The latest work in this exhibition is a series of four oil paintings. Although they are small in scale, they are intriguing self-portraits of the artist’s own hands and appearance from behind.


「上田薫 企画展」



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